
E-Discovery Support and Litigation:

eDiscovery (electronic discovery) refers to the process of identifying, collecting, preserving, reviewing, and producing electronically stored information (ESI) in response to legal requests or investigations. eDiscovery capabilities include various technologies, tools, and processes that facilitate the eDiscovery process. Here are some of Digital Shield Inc’s key eDiscovery capabilities:

  1. Data identification: This involves identifying and collecting relevant ESI from various data sources, such as emails, documents, databases, and social media platforms.
  2. Data preservation: This involves ensuring that collected ESI is preserved in a manner that maintains its authenticity, integrity, and reliability.
  3. Data processing: This involves converting collected ESI into a reviewable format and filtering out irrelevant data.
  4. Data review: This involves reviewing and analyzing collected ESI for relevance, responsiveness, and privilege.
  5. Data production: This involves producing relevant ESI in response to legal requests or investigations.
  6. Search and analytics: This involves using search and analytics tools to identify and retrieve relevant ESI from large data sets.
  7. Artificial intelligence and machine learning: This involves using AI and machine learning algorithms to automate and enhance various eDiscovery tasks, such as data processing, review, and analysis.
  8. Collaboration and workflow management: This involves using collaboration and workflow management tools to facilitate communication and coordination among eDiscovery team members and to ensure the eDiscovery process is conducted efficiently and effectively.
  9. Data security and privacy: This involves implementing measures to ensure the security and privacy of collected ESI, such as data encryption, access controls, and data masking.

Overall, Digital Shield’s eDiscovery capabilities are essential to assist your organizations to efficiently and effectively manage legal requests or investigations involving electronically stored information.