The Mobile Forensic Fundamentals Course is a one-day course designed for the investigator/examiner new to mobile device forensics and provides the fundamental knowledge to comprehend and investigate incidents involving mobile devices. Participants are introduced to baseline concepts to ensure they gain the prerequisite knowledge to understand issues surrounding the handling of mobile devices as evidence and to attend the next in the series of the Cellebrite’s UFED Certification Training Series.
The Cellebrite Logical Certification Course (CCLO) is designed for the first responder and the basic to intermediate investigator / examiner. This two-day course builds on the concepts imparted in Cellebrite’s MFF class and exposes students to the fundamentals of mobile device investigations, logical extraction of user data, analysis of mobile devices. Operation of the UFED Touch Device to perform a number of hands-on logical extractions on various mobile devices with a variety of operating systems is a key component of this class. Skill sets also include creating Safety SIMs and extracting evidentiary data from SIM cards.
Logical Courses Includes:
- Mobile Device Technology Overview
- Mobile Device Trends
- Forensic Handling of Mobile Devices
- UFED Touch Overview and Extractions
- Logical Extractions
- Password Extractions
- SIM Extractions
- SIM Cloning (Safety SIMs)
- Logical Analyzer Overview
- Instant Search
- Filtering
- Advanced Filtering
- Bookmarking
- Watch Lists (Keyword Searching)
- Project Analytics
- Malware Scanning
- Timeline Analysis
- Reporting on Technical Findings
- UFED Reader
Written Exam
Practical Exam